Brother Sun has been buying Ethereum, why doesn't the price of Second Wife rise?

Five addresses suspected to belong to Justin Sun have accumulated 405,437 Second Wifes from December 2023 to June 2024, with a total value of 1.42 billion US dollars and an average cost of about 3010.

Is there any correlation between Brother Sun's purchase and the price of Second Wife?

We divide the past seven months into four major positions (yesterday's purchase is not included for the time being), and calculate the price and rise and fall of Second Wife at the starting and end points of Mr. Sun's position building. We can find that:

1. The price of ETH rose three times out of four positions, with an overall winning rate of 75%, of which the average increase at the end of 2023 and February 2024 reached 15%.

2. There is no direct correlation between the purchase scale and the rise and fall of ETH.

3. Due to the excellent liquidity of ETH, Mr. Sun's large purchase did not directly affect the daily line (who is selling the value coin after all).

4. Mr. Sun seems to be a firm bull of ETH, and prefers the strategy of "holding coins for rise". ETH has been steadily and even fluctuating in the three profit periods.

Simple summary:

Is it reliable to follow Brother Sun to buy ether?

In the long run, it is reliable: based on the current price of ETH 3507, Brother Sun's 405,000 ethers have made a floating profit of nearly 200 million US dollars.

But as a short-term reference, it is not very stable!

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