I met a man who is one of the most believers in digital currency I have ever met. He is a short and fat man who weighs about 80 kilograms. We first met in 2017, and he showed me his hot and cold wallets, which were filled with $20 million worth of Bitcoin and Ethereum. The string of numbers made me awed.

As time went by, I learned more about his belief in digital currency. He regarded it as a belief and a way of life. Even when his family encountered difficulties, he chose a different way. He would rather sell his house, sell his car, and swipe his credit card than use the digital currency in his hand.

His persistence and belief deeply touched me. His actions proved the power of belief and showed what a person who truly believes in digital currency looks like.

Whenever I think of his story, my heart will be filled with warmth. He is one of the most believers in digital currency I have ever met, and an important mentor in my life. His story will always inspire me to move forward firmly in the field of digital currency.

Follow me, I have many years of experience in the cryptocurrency circle and have a group of like-minded friends. You can also click on my avatar, follow me, and find me by looking at my information. #MegadropLista #币安合约锦标赛 $ETH $BTC