Futures trading is like trying to tame a wild snake. The market is unpredictable and futures traders often fall prey to it. When you trade futures, you are betting on something no one can predict. Even the best traders cannot say with certainty where the market will go next. It's all a guessing game and many people end up losing a lot of money. When you tell the market your trading position, it's like putting your hand in a poker game. This can leave you vulnerable. The market can quickly turn against you, causing you to lose money. Think of a snake in the forest. It does not eat all its prey at once. Similarly, not everyone will lose money trading futures, but most will. A few may get lucky, but that is the exception, not the rule. Futures trading is risky. It's like gambling in a casino where the odds are against you. The opportunity to make quick money can blind you to the reality of big losses. This is not just a game of skill but the unpredictability of the market can wipe out your money in an instant. As they say the Casino always wins. So before you start trading futures hybrid, ask yourself whether it's worth the risk. The promise of quick profits is tempting, but the reality is often much harsher.