He Yi said today that the wool-pulling industry may be over, because the wool-pulling studio and the L2 project have become a farce.

The industry is too competitive now, and it is all about technology, and few real people click the mouse.

Recalling the uniswap airdrop in 2020, 400 UNIs were given if there were transaction records, which was worth 12,000 US dollars.

Now the project party is strict, and witches are checked. Some people invest a lot of gas fees and get nothing.

In the early days, wool-pulling parties brushed data for project parties to make project parties strong in financing. In the later stage, they became blood-sucking worms, running away after pulling out, without contribution, it is normal for project parties to kill.

The Internet also relied on wool-pulling parties in the early days, and it developed only after having popular applications and real users.

There are few real applications in the currency circle, and wool-pulling parties will still exist. When there are more real applications, the wool-pulling industry will end.

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