
Fetch.ai has recently seen significant growth, with its value increasing by more than 25% in the past 24 hours. The current market value is as high as 1.43 billion US dollars, ranking 61st in the cryptocurrency rankings. Even more impressive is that its daily trading volume has surpassed the $400 million mark.

It is worth mentioning that Fetch.ai's market capitalization is well above its 200-day moving average, indicating strong market performance. The coin performed better in both USD and Bitcoin token sales. While the artificial intelligence craze continues to drive the cryptocurrency market upward, we still need to carefully consider the long-term sustainability and actual value behind these valuations.


Injective announced on June 19 that it has successfully integrated Transak and PayPal USD (PYUSD). This initiative allows users to easily exchange traditional currencies into digital currencies on the Injective platform. Enter qu1n Jiawei♄: 362014583 This integration simplifies unified network access to modular assets such as PYUSD, which is expected to increase user adoption and optimize the experience.

According to the latest data, INJ is trading at 20.62 USD. Its market price is above its 200-day moving average, indicating strong market performance. Cooperation with renowned financial institutions further enhances its credibility and scalability, creating a promising future for the INJ digital currency.


Sui is a Grade 1 black horse that I am very optimistic about. Compared to Pepe and Ondo, it has not received much attention. Its price performance is in sync with Aptos and Sei. However, Sui is much better than these alternatives. I have a lot of experience in different ecosystems and I like some of the unique features of Sui.

They are constantly (almost daily) updating the SUI ecosystem, and some of these updates include a testnet for potential upgrades, making Sui the fastest blockchain to reach its ultimate goal. They recently announced that the total value locked on-chain is 750 million USD.

Raoul Pal is a member of the Sui Foundation. He excels in every project he touches. Even though Sui's price is low, I'm glad I can buy it now for under $1 and get 20-40% APR by lending and working with Sui. I expect these profits to increase as Sui prices rise.