🚀 Holograph (HLG) - Transforming Omnichain Tokenization 🚀

🚀 Let's dive into key features and potential of #HLG in this captivating thread! 🧵👇

1️⃣ Introduction and Overview: Holograph is an omnichain tokenization protocol, enabling asset issuers to create natively compoundable omnichain tokens. Its native token, HLG, is the core of its ecosystem. Holograph is widely used for minting millions of onchain assets, making it a leading protocol in cross-chain asset production and distribution.

2️⃣ Technology and Features: HLG is a natively composable omnichain fungible token that transfers across blockchains with complete data persistence and no slippage. Holograph operates by burning tokens on the source chain, sending a message via a messaging protocol to the destination chain, and then reminting the tokens on the destination chain.

3️⃣ Whitepaper Analysis: Holograph solves fragmentation by allowing asset issuers and users to interact with tokens on multiple chains, unlocking interoperability, unifying liquidity, and improving cross-chain user experiences.

4️⃣ Use Case: Holograph enables asset issuers to create tokens representing any digital asset, both fungible and non-fungible. This omnichain tokenization protocol opens up various exciting use cases.

5️⃣ Team and Leadership: Information about the team and leadership behind Holograph is is not public.

6️⃣ Partnerships: Holograph’s is available on multiple chains like Base , Linea, Ethereum, Polygon, avalanche, BNB Chain and many more.

7️⃣ Security and Audits: Holograph Protocol was audited by Code4rena in November 2022. Code4rena (C4) is an open organization consisting of security researchers, auditors, developers, and individuals with domain expertise in smart contracts.

8️⃣ Tokenomics: HLG has a total supply of 10 billion and a circulating supply of 1.53 Billion.

9️⃣ Exchanges: HLG tokens can be traded on centralized crypto exchanges like Bybit, Kucoin, Gate.io, Bitget. The most popular exchange for Holograph is Bybit.

🔟 Conclusion: Holograph (HLG) is an innovative omnichain tokenization protocol allowing for the creation of natively compoundable omnichain tokens. As the project develops, it will be interesting to see its future evolution.

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