Remember the excitement when we first came into contact with DeFi? That feeling of potentially changing the world. Today, Bifrost is continuing this passion and launching a Fellowship program to drive the growth and sustainability of the protocol.

This team of experts from various fields will point the way for the future development of Bifrost.

The Bifrost Fellowship has a strong lineup of members, covering elites in the fields of DeFi and Web3:

  • Technical developers

  • Founders of other DeFi protocols

  • Web3 Researchers

  • Professional Node Operators

  • Ecosystem Contributors

  • Partner

Such a diverse composition not only reflects Bifrost’s foresight, but also lays a solid foundation for ensuring the governance quality of the protocol, promoting development, and achieving long-term goals.

Innovation is always the core driving force for the industry to move forward. This is reflected in the Fellowship governance model, which includes multiple tracks, each with independent approval and support parameters. Members vote weighted according to their level, and finally aggregate to form a collective decision. This approach not only makes full use of the wisdom of experts in various fields, but also ensures the scientific and representative nature of decision-making, which can be regarded as a major innovation in DeFi governance.

However, what is really exciting is the openness of the Fellowship. It is not a closed elite club, but an innovation platform that welcomes everyone to participate. Whether you are a technical expert, an industry expert, or a passionate community member, the Bifrost Fellowship is open to you. Because in Bifrost's view, everyone's ideas may be the key to promoting the progress of the protocol.

Under the guidance of the Fellowship, Bifrost is expected to make breakthroughs in the DeFi field, explore new opportunities in Web3, and build a comprehensive and sustainable ecosystem. This is not only an important step for Bifrost, but will also provide valuable experience and demonstrations for the development of the entire industry.

1. Bifrost Fellowship Program Overview

1.1 Concept: Autonomous organization composed of experts from multiple fields

Bifrost Fellowship is an independent organization, like a "dream team" composed of heroes from all walks of life. This team not only has technical experts, but also experts in various fields, such as founders of other DeFi protocols, Web3 researchers, professional node operators, etc. These people are like superheroes in the Avengers, each with their own strengths, contributing wisdom and strength to the development of the Bifrost protocol. At the same time, the Fellowship adopts an autonomous operation mode, forming collective opinions through democratic voting among members, and managing the Bifrost ecosystem in an equal, transparent and efficient manner.

1.2 Inspiration: Polkadot Fellowship

The Bifrost Fellowship is inspired by Polkadot's Fellowship program. The Polkadot Fellowship brings together the best in the Polkadot ecosystem, including developers and experts from Polkadot, Kusama, and parachains. They provide strategic consulting and technical guidance to Polkadot, promote the rapid development of the ecosystem, and are an indispensable backbone of Polkadot. While learning from Polkadot's successful experience, Bifrost has innovated and expanded, not only including technical talents, but also experts and scholars in the fields of DeFi and Web3. This broad and diverse group composition enables the Bifrost Fellowship to serve the Bifrost ecosystem more comprehensively and deeply.

1.3 Objective: Promote the growth and sustainability of the Bifrost protocol

If Bifrost is a thriving tree, then the Fellowship is like a team of "gardeners" who are responsible for maintaining the tree. They have insight into market changes and adjust strategic directions; improve technical architecture and economic models, optimize protocol performance; listen to the voice of the community, create an open and inclusive atmosphere, and attract more users to participate. Under the careful planning and guidance of the Fellowship, the Bifrost protocol will achieve rapid development, and its growth momentum and sustainability will be effectively guaranteed, making it expected to become the mainstay of the DeFi and Web3 ecosystems and play a key role in promoting the development of the industry.

2. Fellowship Governance Model

2.1 Multi-track governance, different tracks have different approval and support parameters

Fellowship adopts a multi-track governance model, which is like a large competition consisting of multiple projects. Each track has its own rules and standards, just like each project has different entry requirements and judging criteria. This mechanism ensures the flexibility and adaptability of the governance process, and can make the best decisions based on different situations and needs. At the same time, it also encourages community members to participate in different tracks according to their own strengths and interests, so that everyone can find the position that suits them best and contribute to the development of Bifrost.

2.2 Member voting weight is determined by level

In the governance of the Fellowship, each member has a different voice, depending on their level. The higher the level, the greater the voting weight, just like in a team, the opinions of members with more experience and contributions are often more valuable. This mechanism ensures the professionalism and effectiveness of the decision-making process, allowing the most insightful and capable members to have greater influence on key issues. At the same time, it also encourages members to continuously improve themselves and make more contributions to Bifrost, so as to obtain higher levels and voice.

2.3 Collective decision-making mechanism

Fellowship decisions are not made by one person, but rather by collective wisdom. All members have the opportunity to participate in discussions and votes, and reach consensus through a democratic way, just like a big family, where everyone's voice can be heard and respected. This mechanism reflects the inclusiveness and openness of the Fellowship, ensuring the fairness and transparency of the decision-making process. At the same time, collective decision-making can also maximize the gathering of wisdom and insights, reduce bias and mistakes, and find the best solution for Bifrost.

2.4 Current and historical referendums on Subsquare

All governance activities of the Fellowship are transparent, and all important decisions are made through on-chain referendums and permanently recorded on Subsquare. This is like an open "history book" that records every detail of the Fellowship. Anyone can consult these records to understand the decision-making process and development history of the Fellowship. This transparency facilitates community supervision and ensures that the Fellowship always serves the interests of Bifrost; on the other hand, it also provides valuable experience and inspiration for later generations, helping the Bifrost ecosystem to continue to progress and improve.

3. Fellowship Responsibilities and Authority

3.1 Customized Module Governance Fellowship

Holding the "keys" to some of Bifrost's core modules, they can directly exercise governance rights for self-developed modules that do not involve security risks, just like an efficient "cabinet" that can quickly make decisions and execute certain matters. This customized governance mechanism gives Fellowship greater autonomy and flexibility, allowing them to respond to community needs in a timely manner and promote the progress and development of Bifrost. However, this power is not unlimited. The specific module call permissions and methods are transparently recorded in the Runtime Extrinsics origin, subject to community supervision and checks and balances.

3.2 Whitelist Mechanism

Fellowship also has a special power, which is to authorize certain trusted entities (i.e. "whitelist callers") to perform certain specific tasks as super administrators (Root), just like "007" who grants someone special action permissions. However, this power is exercised very cautiously, and the authorization process must be fully reviewed and approved by the OpenGov referendum to ensure its rationality and necessity. This whitelist mechanism not only gives Fellowship a certain degree of flexibility, but also sets up a strict "safety valve" through the referendum process to prevent the abuse of power.

3.3 Technical member responsibilities: review proposals, handle emergency issues, etc.

The technical members of the Fellowship are like the "technical brain" of Bifrost. They review various proposals, evaluate their feasibility and impact, and provide professional opinions for decision-making, just like a rigorous "paper review committee". At the same time, they are also responsible for handling emergency issues. When Bifrost encounters technical difficulties or security threats, they are like an agile "special forces" that can respond quickly and implement precise policies to ensure the stability and security of Bifrost.

3.4 Responsibilities of non-technical members: Propose constructive discussions, participate in proposal discussions, etc.

The non-technical members of the Fellowship are like a diverse "think tank". They come from different backgrounds and provide all-round insights and suggestions for the development of Bifrost. They raise constructive discussions and guide the community to focus on important issues. At the same time, they also actively participate in the discussion of various proposals, provide their own views and feedback, and promote the community to reach a consensus, just like a pragmatic "representative of public opinion". In short, the participation of non-technical members makes the decision-making of the Fellowship more comprehensive and thoughtful, ensuring that the development of Bifrost is in line with the overall interests of the community.

4. Fellowship Member Management

4.1 Follow the Polkadot Fellowship model, initial members start, new members need governance review

Bifrost Fellowship follows the successful model of Polkadot in member management, with a group of initial members as the "pioneer team" to start first and lay the foundation for the operation of the Fellowship. As the Bifrost ecosystem develops, more outstanding talents will be attracted to join this "dream team".

However, the "door" of the Fellowship is not open to everyone. New members need to be reviewed and voted by existing members, just like a strict "entrance examination". This governance mechanism ensures that the Fellowship is always composed of the most suitable and outstanding talents, maintaining the vitality and professionalism of the organization.

4.2 Member Promotion Mechanism

Within the Fellowship, the level of members is not static, but is constantly "evolving" through a complete promotion mechanism.

- Level 4 and below are promoted by referendum of members 2 levels higher
For members below level 4, promotion eligibility is decided by referendum by members 2 levels higher than them. This is like a final exam in school, where teachers judge students' learning outcomes. Seniors will decide whether they are eligible for "upgrade" based on the performance and contribution of juniors. This evaluation mechanism ensures the fairness and professionalism of the promotion process, so that each member's growth has a basis to follow.

-Level 5 requires OpenGov referendum
If you want to be promoted to level 5, you need to pass the OpenGov referendum and accept the judgment of the entire community. This is like defending a thesis at university graduation, which requires not only the approval of the teacher, but also the review of classmates and the school. To become a "doctoral student" of the Fellowship, you need to prove that you have grown into an all-round excellent and highly recognized "leader" and gain the trust and support of the entire community. This referendum mechanism reflects the openness and transparency of the Fellowship, allowing the voice of the community to influence the decision-making of the Fellowship.

In short, this hierarchical promotion mechanism takes into account both flexibility and stability, providing members with a clear growth path and motivation to encourage them to make continuous progress; at the same time, through fair and strict evaluation, it ensures that the Fellowship's leadership is composed of the most outstanding and trusted members.

5. How to apply to become a Fellowship member?

5.1 Stage 1: Self-introduction and reason for application

This stage is like a "job interview" where you need to fully demonstrate your strengths:

Share your background and reasons for applying for the Fellowship, just like introducing your "education background" and "job motivation", so that everyone can understand your uniqueness.

· Explain your vision, how you will help Bifrost grow and areas for improvement, just like explaining your "work plan" and "career goals", showing your strategic thinking.

· Highlight your background, experience, and reasons why the community and fellowship members should support you, such as emphasizing your "work experience" and "achievements" to prove your ability and value.

Provide proof of your governance experience, both on-chain and off-chain, just like attaching your “award certificate” and “recommendation letter” to increase your persuasiveness.

A detailed and convincing "job application" can make you stand out in the "interview".

5.2 Phase 2: Community and Fellowship Discussion and Evaluation (7-14 days)

This stage is like a comprehensive "background check" and "ability test":

· The Fellowship will be evaluated over a period of 7-14 days, which is like a "probation period" to comprehensively review your qualifications and abilities.

Reach conclusions through internal discussions, like a "review committee" discussion, to pool the wisdom of many and gain a comprehensive understanding of you.

After this stage, candidates can choose to continue publishing formal proposals on the chain, just like deciding whether to "officially join the company" and start a new journey.

The discussion and evaluation at this stage is like a "physical examination" and "probation period", helping both parties make the most informed decision.

5.3 Phase 3: On-chain proposal initiation and voting

This stage is like the "onboarding procedures":

Based on the feedback from the previous stage of the Fellowship, candidates can request support from the Fellowship or independently publish on-chain proposals, just like "signing a contract" to determine each other's rights and obligations.

Fellowship members will review and comment on proposals before they pass Fellowship governance, just like a "contract review" to ensure everything is compliant and legal.

The on-chain referendum is like a "notarization process" that formally establishes your Fellowship status through transparent and fair voting.

When all the "formalities" are completed, you are officially "employed".

6. Goals and significance of the Bifrost Fellowship

6.1 Ensuring high quality of Bifrost governance

The Bifrost Fellowship is like a "quality management department" that ensures that Bifrost's governance is efficient, professional, and orderly. They are like a group of "quality control experts" who carefully review every decision and check every detail to ensure that the policies introduced can truly promote the development of Bifrost and meet the needs of the community. They are also like a "supervision committee" that supervises the governance process to prevent abuse of power, conflicts of interest, and other issues. Under the "quality inspection" of the Fellowship, Bifrost's governance is like a precision "machine", with every part running smoothly and every step in an orderly manner, ultimately producing high-quality "products".

6.2 Guide the community to focus on important issues

The Bifrost Fellowship is like a "lighthouse", illuminating the direction for the community. With their professional perspectives and keen insights, they identify key issues and opportunities in Bifrost's development, present these "key issues" to the community, and guide everyone to conduct in-depth discussions and thinking. They are like a "think tank", providing forward-looking views and suggestions to help the community see the "big trends" and "big picture". Under the guidance of the Fellowship, the community's discussion is like a "brainstorming", inspiring more innovative ideas and solutions, and injecting a steady stream of power into the development of Bifrost.

6.3 Accelerate Bifrost protocol upgrade and ecological development

The Bifrost Fellowship is like a "special forces" that performs various "special tasks" in the development of Bifrost. When Bifrost needs a major upgrade, they are like an "engineering team" that develops detailed technical plans and organizes all parties to ensure that the upgrade process is safe and efficient. When the Bifrost ecosystem needs to expand, they become "business representatives" to negotiate with potential partners and introduce more resources to the ecosystem. Under the "special operations" of the Fellowship, the development of Bifrost is like a "high-speed train", constantly accelerating and quickly reaching one "destination" after another.

6.4 Helping Bifrost achieve its long-term vision

The Bifrost Fellowship is like a "navigator", leading Bifrost towards its long-term vision. They are like a "strategic planning department", formulating a long-term development blueprint for Bifrost based on a deep understanding of industry and technological development. They are also like a "coaching team", providing guidance and training to the Bifrost team and community, helping everyone improve their capabilities and grow together. Under the "navigation" of the Fellowship, the development of Bifrost is like an "aircraft carrier", riding the wind and waves, moving steadily towards the set goals, and finally reaching the other side of success.

In short, the Fellowship program is an important measure for Bifrost to build a sustainable DeFi protocol.

Its existence is like an "accelerator", which comprehensively improves Bifrost's "performance" and enables it to continue to lead in the "track" of DeFi and Web3. It makes Bifrost's governance more efficient, makes community discussions more in-depth, makes protocol upgrades faster and smoother, and makes the development of the ecosystem more vigorous and diverse. The significance of this "dream team" lies not only in their own contributions, but also in their drive and motivation of the entire community to work together for the bright future of Bifrost.

Bifrost Fellowship:

Bifrost's current and historical Fellowship referendums can be viewed at

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