alert for binance trader ⚠️🛑

The initial scam begin in the start of the may. Someone named Annabelle Southgate reached to me in my insta. She had profile of Sophia Valverde which I didn't knew was a famous actress. Well she/he started to explain me about crypto mining. The word ( crypto ) got really excited to me cause I was interested in investment and trading platform. She told me about the mining cause I followed binance ( alert to the people of binance ) then he/she lead me to the website called cloudprosholding. Which is very suspicious. ( Cause the website itself was stablished in late 2020 that's what is shown there, they don't have a CEO ) and after few withdrawal and a few talk with so called supporter. A man disguising as manager will reached out to me. ( Funny part is he will probably sounded like a African and doesn't even have proper Grammar and still said he was Chinese American) Lol 😂

So after 200$ deposit (which the transaction is made through binance) the website asked 450$ for to see if the people there were active or not ( obviously a scam ) so after my deposit. It was reopened and It started multiplying day after day until it reached 22k. I was asked to withdraw everything at once. And when I did it they asked for 10% of fees which they said was 2010k. I was panicked. I didn't even used my logical brain ( cause of the high reward expections and top of that I was trying to be rich for my mom and loved ones and the people I care ) I loaned out everything that I had got. Eventually I told manager to expose himself and there we go, found the first fraud/scammer. I lost his contact and I was continually asked for more money I told them I didn't wanted to do this. They eventually cutted my fees or ( the money they wanted to scam ) they made it 400$ for my 12,000$ withdrawal so ( after a stress of 1 month and being scammed emotionally. I eventually thought of using my logical brain more ) I searched about the company and there was nothing except scam adviser proving it legit or not.

I reached out to the person called

Annabelle southgate ( scammer I mentioned earlier) she/he told me she/he was rushed to hospital that day and sent me the photo of actress Sophia Valverde. Which I eventually searched on Google and found out that the person pic he/she sent me was and actress. And that's how I knew he/she was a scammer.

And I made a immediate report in this website ( scam adviser )

I am a 19 year old boy and that was my story of how I got scammed 1k. Please be aware and use your logical brain more. I didn't used it before cause I was obviously a fool. Best part is now I have a logical brain and worst part is I lost so many money and I am in debt which will eventually take me a year or two to pay off 🥲

Cloudprosholding website is a scam and be aware of people who reaches out to you in the name of crypto investment or other money related things. Thank you ❤️