#btc #people #sol #pepe #eth

Are you ready to hear new things and open your horizons? Things you can guess and won't be surprised to hear.

Rich people know that they can make a lot of money by spending the least amount of effort. I think the system is as follows. As you press the buttons, how much you deposited into which coin, which one you opened a short or long transaction in, is recorded and classified with a perfect coding system. The rich (they are called whales) buy this information, give it to the coin groups they agree with, wait for them to sell this information to the world, and take positions. There are definitely people in every country who want to get rich easily. Those who have some economic knowledge come together, solve the system and get to work. There are also those who continue their journey alone.

These individuals and groups buy the information from the main dealer for a certain fee, start making transactions and publishing their successes, and gather people around them (that is, you and me). We believe and start begging for information. They tell us we have a paid group and demand a subscription fee. We give the money voluntarily. With the information they received from the main dealer, they make a basket that will please us.

Their real earnings start when we want to enter futures trading and earn more money. because it is more expensive to get signals from futures groups. Here, they sell the information they purchased to us and earn money in 2-3 transactions. But in 1 transaction, wrong information comes and BOMM. will the rich make you pay? He will give 2 correct and 1 wrong information so that he can fill his pocket without you understanding. While you are earning 1 or even counting, they are counting money in the money machines. In our phenomenon, you see that with every wrong signal it receives, 'this crypto world is unpredictable. They start saying "interest rates fell, a war broke out, the Fed made a mess, the president caught a cold." Well, we still want to make money, we also gave money. We start licking ass. You are the only one, it happens sometimes.😊