$BNB The second phase of megadrop ended today. I deposited 1.03 BNB and received 44 lista. Even if I don’t deposit a single coin, I will receive 36 lista after completing the web3 task. I can trade at 6pm today. Yes, the expected income is 200rmb. For newcomers who are new to the cryptocurrency industry, buying a bnb is the best choice. Even if you get into the cryptocurrency industry with 100 yuan or 50 yuan, you will make a profit of at least 400 yuan in the past two months after buying bnb.

Now I will share with you the new activities of web3 wallet.

First you need to have some $BNB , click transfer on the web3 wallet page, and transfer the spot on Binance platform to your web3 wallet through the opbnb chain (don’t choose the wrong third one), at least 0.005 bnb, I transferred 0.009, which is about 40 yuan, everyone can just transfer 0.006. Wait a moment, and you will receive these bnb in your web3 wallet, then click on the banner revox in Figure 3. If you don't have it, you can click on the discovery in the lower right corner. There is an airdrop next to the dapp above, and you can also find this activity.

After entering the page, first connect to our wallet, click connect, sign the message and log in.

The first task is to enter the invitation code. You can do it or not. Filling in the invitation code may give us two extra points. My invitation code is Y1E60F. Give roses to others and leave a lingering fragrance on your hands🌹.

The second task is to follow Revox and Binance official on If you don't complete this task, you will lose 100 points, but it doesn't hurt.

The third task is simple and does not require a ladder or a Twitter account. You only need to check in on the activity interface once a day. There is a check in at the bottom of the page. Click it and pay a few cents for the handling fee. As you continue to check in, you will earn more points every day. As our points continue to increase, after the event ends, airdrops will be made according to the number of points everyone has.

This event has almost zero cost. The only cost is the negligible few cents each time you sign in. The bnb withdrawn to the web3 wallet through the opbnb chain is still your money, and you can withdraw it back to the platform to sell it at any time, or you can Sell ​​in web3 wallet. Today’s BnB really means you can get more with one coin. If you like $BNB Golden Shovel, you might as well click and buy a few dozen bucks to give it a try