Qianqian's emotional self-narration

Qianqian and her boyfriend are colleagues. She thought her boyfriend was a child from an ordinary urban family like herself, because he naturally integrated into my circle and could chat with my friends. His income was similar to mine, but his consumption was much higher than mine. He spent a lot on food, clothing, and electronic products. I usually took the subway when I went out, but he drove or took a taxi. He took me to high-end restaurants every time we went on a date, and introduced me to red wine. He seemed to know a lot. I asked about his family, and he said his parents were in business. I didn't take it seriously. Anyway, he should have no pressure in life. I told my parents the same thing.

We talked for almost a year, and we happened to plan to travel to western Sichuan. I suggested meeting his parents. He was a little resistant at first and said that his parents had bad living habits. Later, I repeatedly emphasized that I wanted to meet him, and he told me that his family was in the mountainous area of ​​Sichuan, poor, and his parents had no jobs. He hadn't been back for many years, and the epidemic in the past two years was a good excuse for him not to go home.

My parents heard about what I had experienced, and their opinions were surprisingly consistent. They were also firmly against us being together. Although he is very outstanding, he is very scheming and too good at superficial work. He is also a cold-blooded person who has not returned home to see his parents for so long!

I am very entangled now. I want to break up, but I am a little reluctant. There are no other problems between us. I just broke up immediately because I knew about his family situation. Doesn't it make me seem very realistic?

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