Playing with contracts? That's just like playing with fire on a tightrope!

Do you think you can make money easily? Wrong, wrong, very wrong!

What are those people who brag about making money playing with contracts online? Liars! Liars! Add an exclamation mark!

They are like those street vendors selling powerful pills, they talk a lot, but in fact? They are just cheating you out of your money!

Contracts, to put it bluntly, are a gamble.

Do you think you can stop when you win? Haha, once you taste the sweetness, you can't stop, and in the end you may enter the market with naked loans, and even lose your wife and children!

Why do people say that contracts are easy to make money online? Those are all those live-streaming hosts who are fooling you! They only care about their commissions, not your life or death? They make up a bunch of stories about getting rich quickly, with some screenshots, to make you think that this is really happening, and you just jump in stupidly.

Some people say that they have skills and are awesome? Forget it! If he really had that skill, he would have made a fortune long ago, why would it be your turn? Even if he did, why would he take you to play? Don't be silly, wake up!

Those who play contracts are just a bunch of gamblers, no, they are idiots! Do you think the cryptocurrency world is a place to pick up money? Wrong! It's a zero-sum game, what you lose is what others earn. You lose money and still lend money to your opponent? This is not a brain-depleted thing, but a brain kicked by a donkey!

Don't listen to the complaints of those who lose money, they will only say that they will get rich next time, and they are desperate. Funny, you couldn't survive before entering the cryptocurrency world? I don't think so!

My advice is: stay away from those who play contracts, especially those who chase local dogs. They are like viruses, they will infect you and make you go down a road of no return. Cherish your life, stay away from contracts, don't wait until your wife and children are lost before you regret it!

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