#3rdquestionanswer - **Impact**: The airdrop generated considerable interest in Oyster Protocol, helping it gain visibility and early traction in the market.

6. **1inch (1INCH) Airdrop**:

- **Date**: December 2020

- **Details**: 1inch, a decentralized exchange aggregator, distributed 1INCH tokens to users who had previously interacted with the platform.

- **Impact**: This airdrop rewarded loyal users and attracted attention to the 1inch platform, increasing its usage and the value of the 1INCH token.

7. **Sushiswap (SUSHI) Airdrop**:

- **Date**: September 2020

- **Details**: Users of the Uniswap platform were airdropped SUSHI tokens based on their liquidity provision on Uniswap.

- **Impact**: The airdrop helped bootstrap the liquidity and community for Sushiswap, quickly establishing it as a major player in the DeFi space.

These airdrops were successful in increasing awareness, distributing tokens widely, and building active communities around the projects. The strategic use of airdrops can significantly impact the growth and adoption of a cryptocurrency project.

#Part2 #explain #finish