You must be cautious when investing in new currencies and don't blindly follow the trend. If you are considering investing, you might as well take a look at the old currencies that have been tested by the market. Even if their prices have fallen by 90%, as long as the circulating market value remains at around $1 billion, it means that they have a strong position in the market and a certain value support.

In contrast, some newly launched currencies, although they have a circulating market value of $1 billion at the beginning, whether they really have strength and potential still needs time to verify. The teams of these new projects may not need to increase the price of the currency through marketing because they have already gained huge benefits by issuing new coins. As for how much these currencies can rise in the future, it depends largely on the luck of the market.

Therefore, when choosing investment objects, you should prefer those old currencies that have been tested by the bear market and have strong support behind them. They may be relatively more stable and less risky. As for those newly launched currencies with inflated market values, investors need to be more cautious and avoid the risks brought by blind investment.