I have set up a free welfare group.

Newbies can find me, no charge. I don't give orders every day, but if I do, it will be very stable. Come in to discuss. (It doesn't matter whether you come to follow my orders or not, there is no mandatory requirement)

Continuous learning allows me, an old leek, to grasp the general trend and not be buried. The principal is also rolling bigger and bigger. Go with the flow. If you can't do well on the left side, do the right side. Anyway, it's right to make money in the end. Come on, time will prove that I am right. The purpose of bringing fans is to make me more sober, and to get more income from following orders. Of course, it's up to you whether to follow or not, after all, I don't charge directly. Come on if you think you can make money and control your hands!

There are many great gods in the group, so you can understand the current general direction.

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