When the market resets like this, I want to note a few mistakes new people often make. Anyone who wants to restructure their portfolio can also take a look.

The first is buying too many coins. The insight of this action is probably not to diversify your portfolio, but because you hear, see, and shill too many coins, each coin is full of honeyed words, so every coin feels delicious. Afraid of losing the opportunity, afraid of regret, afraid that it will fly away without any goods, so every coin is scooped up, tearing apart the initial capital.

The second is to choose very general coin lines. This is related to each person's analysis, but in my personal opinion, I think we should only invest mainly in 3 groups:

- One is the market's brand coin group such as BTC, ETH, LINK,... This group I often call the defensive group. The increase amplitude may not be as high as other groups, but if unfortunately it goes into a downtrend, you can still rest assured to hold it until next season.

- Second is the group of "potential lead trend" coins in the near future, or at least if you can't choose a lead trend, you must choose a coin within the trend. This group requires you to be analytical and willing to be adventurous with it.

- Third is "good memes": Actually, this group is in group 2 but I separate it into a separate section to stand out. Super cycle meme. LMAO. The crypto market would become boring and lose its sense of culture without memes.

In a season, trends rotate continuously, no two seasons are the same. If you keep choosing a generic coin line, it's quite risky. Risks in terms of both growth and your own confidence when seeing trending coins fly tirelessly.

In short, one is to choose the signature brand group, the other is to trend, or three are both.