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The United States has begun discussing with its allies how to dispose of Russia's frozen assets, attempting to "confiscate" and use these assets to provide support to Ukraine.

According to reports, the West has not yet made a final decision on the matter, and the details are still under discussion.

U.S. Treasury Secretary Yellen's initial idea was to use Russian assets seized by various countries (worth about $300 billion) to support Ukraine, but most EU countries strongly opposed the plan.

These countries are generally worried that Russian assets will need to be returned after the end of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, and the finances of various countries will face a huge hole.

After months of disputes, as a compromise, Yellen recently proposed a plan to issue a $50.5 billion aid loan to Ukraine, which will be "mainly supported by the future income generated by Russian assets seized by various countries."

The International Monetary Fund warned that if the United States gave Ukraine the frozen 300 billion euros of Russian overseas assets, the international financial system would be affected and the United States itself would fall into a crisis of confidence.

Kirby, the U.S. National Strategic Coordinator, said that the United States cannot act unilaterally now because these assets are distributed all over the world and must be agreed upon with its allies.

In addition, the United States is facing domestic pressure, and some lawmakers believe that the confiscation of Russian assets may raise legal and ethical issues.

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