Regrettably, I must admit that I've been disappointed by the Binancians lately. I recently posted two important messages—one about how the Telegram app attracts scammers/sort of their platform and another about how Instagram supports scammers by publishing their ads. Unfortunately, neither post received the attention I was expecting, even though some of my other posts have garnered many views and comments.

These two recent posts, particularly the one about Instagram, are quite serious. Believe it or not, around 80% of scammers are out there, and Instagram is aiding them by publishing their ads, which often direct users to contact them through Telegram. I've already explained why Telegram is a magnet for scammers.

I had hoped for significant support from my fellow Binancians, but sadly, they didn't seem to care much about this issue. Nonetheless, I believe the problem of Instagram publishing scammers' ads is serious and must be addressed. Even if I have to tackle it alone, I will.