Did you miss it???

Saudi Arabia decided that dollars are so last century. Now they will trade oil for anything except dollars.

So they chose the yuan, the euro, the yen - well, why not? After all, who doesn’t want to have a pocket full of colorful pieces of paper that mean something in different countries? This, of course, will not “affect” the global dominance of the dollar, no. It’s just that all world economies will switch to random currencies, as if it were a new fashion.

And China, oh China, is now apparently Saudi Arabia's new best friend. They probably exchanged friendly bracelets and promised to sell oil to each other for beautiful stones. The world, of course, will not follow this event at all, because everyone is so interested in watching dollars turn into antiques.

Well, let's continue to watch this exciting show. Who knows, maybe next time we'll see dollars become the new trading cards. Or not. Who even knows what's going on in this crazy world?