$ZETA — XP Airdrop Program Latest News

Allow projects to design how to distribute tokens to best reward users. When creating a proposal, projects should follow the following requirements and guidelines:

- **At least 95% of the allocation must be allocated to users. **

- **Up to 5% of the allocation can be reserved for the development team, **to cover operating costs or future user growth plans.

- **The majority of reward recipients must have ≥ 200k XP in the first XP snapshot dataset. **[This hyperlink](https://cdn.zetachain.com/phase1xp.csv) points to a 90-day compiled dataset of all XP snapshot addresses for the first phase. This dataset should be used by applications in conjunction with other on-chain data to determine appropriate rewards for users. The basic guidelines for application design standards and tiers will be used to screen the final reward allocation.

- **For the tiers of reward allocation, they must follow this structure:** Applications can define up to 15 reward allocation tiers, with a minimum of 5 tiers. Up to 3 tiers can be based on non-XP snapshot data - such as social verification, off-chain data calculations, or data after the XP snapshot. The reasoning behind the reward tiers must be public or verifiable. All of these requirements are intended to better ensure that rewards are not concentrated in a few centralized parties or lists of addresses.

- **Applications may determine the reward mechanism**, such as first-come, first-served, proportional distribution based on snapshots, or other methods. Applications should discuss with their community and users to determine the most impactful reward method.

- **XP data chart data** that you can use in the distribution include users completing task Y at least X times, users having more than XXX XP, and users participating for at least X weeks.

- **Potential on-chain criteria** that applications may use in the distribution include frequency, total completions, specific task completions, gas expenditure, and overall rank/level/XP.

- **Applications are encouraged to introduce their own rewards, **separate from the ZETA distribution. Rewarding users with application-specific components in addition to the ZETA distribution can create a stronger, more special connection between users and applications.

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