A few points about Telegram mini-games, must-read for new and old players, saving you 99% of your time and energy

As one of the earliest players to play Telegram, Geerzhuang has participated in dozens of Telegram mini-game projects since the#notcointest, and is currently playing only three or five of them. not went on Binance, attracting many players to join Telegram to play, but they saw all kinds of projects attracting people, which made them dizzy and they didn't know where to start. They joined the popular projects, but the projects might be almost over, which was meaningless and wasted a lot of time. Golmudor made a simple sharing from three aspects, hoping to help novice friends:

1. Several typical zero-cost models of airplanes:

#notcoin#hotcoin#catizen#hamster#tapswap#pocketfi#yescoin#blum #timefarm

1. Action type: you need to click, or roulette, or slide the screen and other continuous operations to get points, typical ones are #notcoin, #yescoin

2. Collection type: no need to click, you only need to collect points according to the specified time, among which there are flexible collection and fixed time collection.

Two typical representatives of flexible harvesting:

#hotcoin, harvesting can be done at any time during the harvesting time, and the harvesting time can be upgraded (2h-24h). Output will stop after the time is exceeded and will not be reset to zero

#pocketfi: harvesting can be done at any time during the harvesting time, harvesting time cannot be upgraded, harvesting can be done at any time within 6h, and rewards will be reset to zero if rewards are not collected after the time is exceeded

Typical representatives of harvesting at fixed time:

#blum: 8h, cannot be upgraded, output will stop after the harvesting

#timefarm: 4h, cannot be upgraded, output will stop after the harvesting

3. Upgrade prop type: #notcoin, #yescoin, #hotcoin, #hamster, #tapswap, #hamster, #wave

No need to upgrade prop type: #pocketfi, #blum, #timefarm

4. Action + harvesting + krypton gold:#catizenis listed separately. Catizen needs to purchase auto synthesis robots. The points produced by catizen in the later stage cannot meet the upgrade requirements. The krypton gold design is not suitable for pure zero-cost players

5. Action + harvesting:#hamsteris listed separately. The income from hamster clicks is far less than harvesting with computing power cards. The focus is on harvesting with computing power cards. The output of computing power cards needs to be harvested once every three hours, otherwise the output will stop. Many players choose to hang up.