PANews reported on June 13 that according to the official blog, ZetaChain, a Layer 1 blockchain operator focusing on interoperability, announced that it will launch the first round of XP airdrops, which will provide 10 million ZETA rewards from UGP. It is reported that XP is the core data and loyalty system for the growth of dApp and users. Application projects on ZetaChain must submit a request for proposal (RFP) before 08:00 on July 1, Beijing time. After the final review and allocation announcement, the reward distribution will begin on July 1, 2024. From then on, applications can determine the schedule for their allocation. About 419,000 users are the main group eligible for rewards in the first snapshot. Users in this group have at least 200,000 XP and have shown high loyalty to the program.

XP airdrop plans allow projects to design how to distribute tokens to best reward their users. When creating a proposal, projects should follow the following requirements and guidelines: 95% or more of the allocation must be distributed to users; up to 5% of the allocation can be reserved for the development team; the majority of reward recipients must have ≄ 200k XP in the first XP snapshot dataset; follow a specific reward distribution tier (up to 15 reward distribution tiers can be defined, with a minimum of 5 tiers); applications can determine the reward mechanism, etc. All distributions must be completed before October 1, 2024.