Jupiter founder: The core problem of Ethereum at present is that a lot of capital and incentives are tilted towards the creation of L2/3/4

On June 13, Jupiter founder meow posted on social media that "the core problem facing Ethereum at present is that a lot of capital and incentives are tilted towards the creation of solutions such as L2/3/4, while there is almost no incentive to create large-scale utility and value on any given core network.

This means that despite everyone's strong desire to the contrary, the division of the Ethereum community and capital will continue unabated in the foreseeable future.

If the competition for block space exceeds today's level, it will be an interesting observation whether Solana will face the same problem. Of course, the infrastructure construction for SVM application chains and L2 solutions is following the exact same trajectory of early Ethereum L2 solutions.

The core difference is that there is still more Alpha built directly on Solana itself, compared with launching a new chain - maintaining this dynamic will be the most important factor in determining how things develop. "