The biggest tragedy in the cryptocurrency circle is that you didn't make money, but your health was ruined

A few years ago, I met a close friend in the Telegram group. He only slept 3-4 hours a day and stayed up late waiting for foreigners to send tweets. I often contacted him to learn about the latest developments in the cryptocurrency industry.

Later, I couldn't contact him for a while. I left a message asking him why he hadn't been online recently. In the end, he replied that he was hospitalized because of his weakened immunity due to staying up late, and his family confiscated his mobile phone, and he never dared to stay up late again.

He was lucky to wake up in time and avoid more serious consequences. Long-term staying up late, irregular work and rest and eating habits are dragging more and more people into the abyss of cancer. In recent years, cancer has shown a trend of getting younger. This real case makes people have to pay attention to their own health.

27-year-old Xiao Wang was once a handsome guy with a strong body, and he has always been like this in the eyes of his family and friends. However, in recent months, Xiao Wang has had problems with his stomach and intestines, often feeling stomach pain, bloating, and vomiting. Xiao A initially thought it was just a minor problem and did not take it seriously.

However, in just a few months, Xiao Wang's weight dropped from 160 catties to 110 catties, a total of more than 40 kg. Nausea, vomiting, and severe weight loss have brought about earth-shaking changes in Xiao Wang.

Only then did the family realize the seriousness of the problem and rushed Xiao Wang to the hospital for examination. Shockingly, Xiao A was diagnosed with mid-stage colorectal cancer. The doctor asked Xiao A about his diet and daily routine, and found that his irregular lifestyle for many years was a major cause of cancer.

To prevent cancer, we need to start from every little bit of life:

1. Move more and sit less. Long-term sitting increases the risk of many cancers.

2. Maintain a healthy weight. Obesity is the main cause of cancer after smoking.

3. Eat less sweets. Drinking two cans of sugary drinks a week increases the risk of cancer.

4. Drink more boiled water to help dilute carcinogens in urine and excrete them out of the body.

5. Eat more garlic. The sulfide in it can stimulate the anti-cancer effect of the immune system.

6. Keep the room dark during sleep, which is conducive to the secretion of melatonin and reduces the risk of cancer.

I hope this can serve as a wake-up call for everyone! The body is the capital of revolution! I hope everyone will be healthy and rich!