I think there are three types of money: one is earned by hard work; the second is earned by luck; the third is earned by connections.

The first type is definitely small money, which is gone once you spend it, so you have to keep working hard and can't stop. The second type is small money, and there are big money, but it is not continuous, so when luck comes, you still make big money. The third type is a lot of money, but you can't spend it, and you can't talk about it, because if you spend it or talk about it, your life will be gone. So the real connections are not those who talk about them every day, and those who talk about them are all scams.

This is also why many big bosses believe in Feng Shui and masters, because they are all earned by luck, and hope that it will last for a long time.

Accumulating virtue, self-discipline, reading, and doing good deeds are all for the sake of long-term luck, which is the real motivation. It's just that everyone doesn't know how luck comes, so they just find their own ways. Just like practicing fu, there are more than 20,000 methods, no one can save anyone, you can only find the one that suits you, there is no essential difference between knocking on the wooden fish and holding the spittoon.

For example, Tao, Fa, and Shu, what can be taught must be Shu, which is a specific thing. If you rise a little to Fa, you can't teach it anymore. You have to rely on enlightenment, so it is very important to find a master to enlighten you. If you teach Tao, it's all nonsense. It depends on fate, ancestors, and reincarnation. This is an empty world, a three-dimensional world, which cannot be explained. If it is explained, it is basically a fairy. There is no big difference between a fairy and a scam.

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