The past two days, the market has been like a roller coaster. When you place an order, is it tense and exciting? Last night, Lao Chen still gave a high-level short position despite the news of CPI's positive news, and took 2000 points of space. The community students are full of luck.

Yesterday, there was a big rise and fall. Today's market should also calm down. To be honest, the market has been quite chaotic during this period. It is difficult to grasp the short position by relying on technical aspects. At this time, more independent thinking and absolute market sense are needed. If you blindly enter the market to chase the short position, the result is self-evident.

Today's white market is not expected to fluctuate too much. It may maintain range fluctuations until tomorrow night. In terms of thinking, it is better to operate in the range of short-term, mainly low, and it is recommended to be around 67,500 below, with a target of 68,500-68,800#美国5月CPI超预期回落 #美联储利率决策即将公布