A new era of modular user security - Gopuls

Recently, user security issues in the Web3 field have attracted more and more attention. At this critical moment, Gopuls, as a modular user security layer project invested by Binance, is about to make its debut!

Who is Gopuls?

Gopuls, or GoPlus Network, is a pioneer in modular user security in the Web3 field. It can seamlessly connect with major public chains to provide users with 360° all-round protection throughout the transaction process. With the help of a transparent, decentralized security network and cutting-edge AI technology, Gopuls provides users with intelligent and efficient security services. Its Token security detection API has been integrated by many Web3 head dAPPs, with a daily call volume of up to 21 million times; and its SecWareX personal security platform has attracted 1.8 million independent IP users in just two months.

What is the advantage of Gopuls?

Multi-dimensional risk detection: Gopuls' security engine is powerful and can provide users with all-round detection from transaction security to project risks. Open and barrier-free: Anyone can easily use Gopuls' services without cumbersome licensing processes, truly realizing a user-led security experience. User autonomy: On the Gopuls platform, users will not be forced to purchase any services. But if necessary, users can freely choose to upgrade services and enjoy more in-depth and comprehensive protection.

For users who have received OAT and all friends who care about Web3 security, Gopuls is undoubtedly your trustworthy choice. The airdrop event is about to start, so stay tuned! 🚀