Tonight at 20:30, the US CPI will become the outpost of the US interest rate decision at 2:00 am on the 13th!!! If you can't do this, you will "definitely become bald" within two years!!!

The market has been hyping this data for the past week. Do you still want to sleep tonight? Regarding the question of whether to sleep or not, it is simply taking off your pants to fart. It is a waste of time to worry about nothing. A piece of data can make you sleepless. This is not suitable for the investment field. Quit it as soon as possible, otherwise you will "definitely become bald" within two years! So, if you can't sleep, then quit trading. After all, life is precious and health is the most important!

At present, the expected value, the CPI annual rate is consistent with the previous value, but the monthly rate is 2 percentage points lower than the previous value, which is a large drop. The overall CPI value is slightly bullish for interest rate cuts;

However, this data alone is not enough to immediately turn into an interest rate cut in the early morning of the 13th; although the small non-agricultural data tends to be bullish for interest rate cuts, the large non-agricultural data is still far beyond expectations. Although the overall data inflation growth slowed down in May, there is a trend of control over 2%, but when it comes to interest rate decisions, the current interest rate expectations on the 13th are likely to remain unchanged. The subsequent speech of Bao maintained the previous: Given that inflation expectations are better than expected, it is unlikely that there will be further interest rate hikes. It is expected that the speech in the early morning of today will continue this argument. Even if the interest rate remains unchanged, it can be regarded as a stabilization performance. The subsequent interest rate cut is a foregone conclusion. It is just a matter of how much data the Fed will use and when to make a decision!

Since the beginning of this year, BTC has had short-term pins every time it sees data. This year, the pins are not too big, ranging from two to three thousand dollars to seven or eight hundred dollars. So tonight's suggestion is: spot players should go to sleep and don't worry about the data. If the data of contract players meets expectations, then given the sharp decline in the market in the past few days, the pin is a short-term high-risk and high-return gaming opportunity. You can pay attention to the opportunity of the pin, don't pay too much attention to the point, just pay attention to the pin signal!

Ultra-short-term pay attention to the 66700-67250 retracement signal. If it breaks, pay attention to the 66000-66500 range. If it meets or is lower than the expected value, the probability of being below 66500 is not high. Pay attention to the pin signal at 66700-67250!

#美联储利率决策即将公布 $BTC