The premise of the copycat season is the continuous accumulation of money-making effects in the circle

Everyone has money in their pockets and sees that the market is still making money, so they will take out the money to buy some relatively low-market-value coins, and then people outside the market find that this circle seems to make money by buying anything, resulting in a crazy influx of incremental funds

Most people buy coins to follow the trend but don’t want to follow it completely. Today, they see that the leader of a certain sector has risen and turn around to buy some undervalued coins in the same sector, so there is a general rise in the copycat sector rotation

But the current situation is that the big cake has been sideways for nearly four months, and there are many retail investors who complain and even return to zero. They are even seriously skeptical about whether the bull market can continue. How to engage in the copycat season at this time

If you are interested in the currency circle, but don’t know how to start, you might as well pay attention to my introduction and find me, arrange 100 times coins together and discuss the mysteries of the currency circle and future possibilities with me.

#第55期新币挖矿IO #IO价格预测 #币安用户数突破2亿