From 1982 to 2022, for nearly 40 years, what is the ultimate goal of ordinary people's pursuit of life? It's to make money! Make tens of millions, achieve financial freedom, then immigrate to Canada and the United States, buy a few villas and collect rent, any ideology is a trap, it's too empty.

Only the abundance of life, freedom, love, and security are substantial. The left-right dispute, the dispute between China and the West are all too ridiculous. 40 years ago, those people put aside class struggle, but in the past 40 years, there are still people who think about these things in their bones, either left or right, tearing, complaining, and attacking all day long.

In a sense, we are not as clear as the older generation 40 years ago, and we are not even as thorough as people 100 years ago. The new road we think of, the so-called awakening, and opening our eyes to see the world are all left over from their play, and they are tired of playing.

Everything is inferior, only making money is real. Don't get stuck in various cognitive contradictions, don't be used by anyone, make money steadily, and live your own affluent life. This is the real life of ordinary people.

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