Yesterday morning, the password clearly said waterfall! waterfall! waterfall! Yesterday, I went short at the 63563 line and stopped profit at the 66500 line, gaining more than 3063 points of space and more than 10X space!

7000u followed up and gained more than 7w

9000u followed up and gained more than 9w

So the biggest risk of HY is to make orders based on feelings and no risk control = return to 0

Trading is anti-human, but human nature is innate, and the process of trading is to fight against one's own human nature, but the truth is often in the minority. If you want to block human nature, you must use technology and mature risk control and trading systems to eliminate human nature

Mature risk control system superimposed on the analysis of solid technology, take you to truly achieve small gains and stable arbitrage!

Monthly return 10x exclusive network-wide compensation

The risk hedging arbitrage strategy in the trading room is in full swing...

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