1. Spend time in bed and you will gain weight; spend time on books and you will gain wisdom; spend time on exercise and you will gain health; spend time on hard work and you will gain wealth; spend time on the market and you will gain career; spend time on family and you will gain family affection.

Wherever you act, there you will reap the rewards; wherever your heart is, there you will find the scenery. Only by improving your self-control can you take control of your life.

2. The best state for a woman is that no matter whether your marriage is happy or unhappy, and no matter whether your partner is loyal or unfaithful, as a woman, you must always understand that marriage is not your everything. What you fight for in the second half of your life is not your husband, but that you have an excellent child, a healthy body, a happy and elegant rest of your life and a calm and composed mentality.

3. Girls need to open their minds. Gossiping is something that only people who are not presentable would do. You need to allow everything to happen, even accept sudden malice, then turn around with a smile and tell yourself that you are not the same kind of people. If you want to be a big tree, don't compete with the grass. A general has a sword but does not cut flies. Not being carried away by emotions is a higher level of freedom. There are so many beautiful things in this world, rivers, golden mountains, stars and sea, poetry and distant places, each one is worth pursuing, instead of wasting your limited time indulging in trivial matters, so girls, open your mind!

4. Remember, making money is your lifelong priority. Otherwise, one day, you will pay for your youth and ignorance. If you have accomplished nothing, no matter how gentle you are, it is cheap. A poor man's gentleman is worthless. Love is worthless in the face of reality. Money is a person's greatest confidence. Only when you are financially independent, you will not see so many compromises, and you will not have to be servile. Only then will you have the confidence to stand up straight and accept love and be loved.

5. When others don't need you, learn to withdraw your enthusiasm and politely leave. You can cry in bed or drink until you vomit, but you can't pick up your phone to send messages you shouldn't send or make calls you shouldn't make. You should understand that you should know when to stop what you can't get. Stopping losses in time is a sign of maturity. It's impolite to keep knocking on a door that doesn't want to open.

6. If you made a wrong choice, it's a wrong choice. Don't regret it over and over again, always thinking about what would have been better in the past. Don't bully yourself at that time. You were confused when you stood alone in the room. Even if you start over, you will still choose this road. Don't beautify the road you didn't choose. There is no wasted road in life. Right and wrong are all counted. The road under your feet is the best road. There will be stars and seas, and clusters of flowers. Keep your eyes in front of you, and never look back.

7. People, don't think too much, it's just self-torture. Eyes, only pretend to be blind, so they won't cry. Mouth, only pretend to be dumb, so they won't quarrel. Heart, only pretend to be stupid, so they won't be too tired. Sometimes knowing too much is not necessarily a good thing. Think more open-mindedly, take things lightly, and be more confused, and you will live more easily. Some things, I am lucky to get, and I am doomed to lose. Choosing to let go is not to forgive others, but just to let go of yourself.

8. If you are a wolf, you should practice your teeth; if you are a sheep, you should practice your legs. Life is full of drama, and life can be seen in drama. What you endure is life, and what you fight for is life. Struggle means that every day is difficult, but it will be easier every year. Not struggling means that every day is easy, but it will be more difficult every year. I would rather die of exhaustion on the road than die of idleness at home. No matter how small the effort is, it will be obvious when multiplied by 365, and no matter how big the difficulty is, it will become insignificant when divided by 365.

9. If someone says something to you, you can't stand it. If someone says something to you, you can't eat or sleep well. How fragile you are. Why bother? In the world of crows, swans are also guilty. If you don't have the same level of thinking, just respect them. If you don't have the same values, just smile. Don't bother about unimportant things with important people. Don't bother about important things with unimportant people.

10. If you lose money, you can earn it again; if you lose a job, you can find another one; if you lose a friend, you can make another one; if you lose love, you can meet it again. You are born with nothing, so why fear starting all over again! When water reaches a dead end, it becomes a waterfall; when people reach a dead end, they are reborn. The halfway point of a mountain is always crowded; you have to work hard to get to the top of the mountain. A truly strong person is someone who, in the dead of night, takes out his heart, mends it himself, and has a hundred times more confidence after a good sleep. When you are alive, you should open roads when you encounter mountains, build bridges when you encounter water, forgive everything before going to bed, and you will be reborn when you wake up.

11. The height of life is not how many things you see clearly, but how many things you look down upon; the breadth of the soul is not how many people you know, but how many people you tolerate. Be like a mountain, looking at everything and accommodating everything; be like water, able to advance and retreat, and know how to advance and retreat.

12. Life is a practice. The most important thing in practice is to cultivate your mind. The world is ever-changing. Only by cultivating your inner self can you avoid entanglement, panic and confusion in the long years. It is better to take things lightly than to see clearly, and it is better to take things lightly than to see through.

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