DWF Labs - fraudulent schemes, pump dumps and scams. Do you see any differences in the graphs?

In the world of cryptocurrencies, continuous pump and dump cycles are not uncommon, especially when a player like DWF Labs is at the helm. Let's look at the current situation with CYBER and NOTcoin, where similar strategies lead to noticeable fluctuations in the market.

🔍 Similarities and Differences

Both CYBER and NOTcoin are experiencing strong fluctuations due to the actions of DWF Labs. Both projects are experiencing periods of active growth and sharp declines, which is typical for the pump and dump technique; find the differences in the graphs)

📉 NOTcoin life cycle

The first NOTcoin pump has already taken place, and now we are seeing the first dump. It is expected that the enthusiasm of the audience will allow at least three such cycles to be completed, perhaps there will be five in total. This story will continue until the audience’s eyes stop glowing madly at every green candle, accompanied by a friendly roar of “NOTcoin is different”, yes, when the enthusiasm fades away, and TON will appear on Binance, most likely NOT will be sent to the trash heap as waste material.

🗓️ Critical Dates

The 16th will be a key date for NOTcoin. If before the 17th there is no new pumping to at least the level of 0.02, the token will begin to steadily decline to the level of 0.007 and below.

📈 Prediction

After the fall, it is expected that market makers will again “light” the green candle, and amid wild squeals of “NOT is not like all cryptocurrencies”, the token will again soar to the level of 0.03 and above.

👀General expectation:

These cycles will continue until the audience loses interest in quick profits. And remember that even the most active support may not save the token from a final fall if its foundation is not stable. I have no idea how NOT will survive the future bear. Over the years of bear meat, the coin will be forgotten, and more interesting projects will come for a new bull, this always happens. The life of such tokens is fleeting, you have about 9 months to earn money on NOTcoin, if you have not already done so.

#ЛюбимыйТокен #TopCoinsJune2024 #binance #Notcoin #NOT🔥🔥🔥 $NOT