After Columbus discovered America, many people thought that Columbus just happened to see it, and anyone else could do it as long as they had his luck.

So, at a grand banquet, a nobleman challenged him: "Mr. Columbus, we all know that America is there, you just happened to go there first! If we went there, we would have discovered it too." Faced with the criticism, Columbus was not flustered. He suddenly had an idea and picked up an egg on the table and said to everyone: "Ladies and gentlemen, who can stand an egg on the table? Who of you can do it?

Everyone was eager to try, but they failed one by one. Columbus smiled slightly, picked up the egg, tapped it lightly on the table, and stood the egg there.

Columbus then said: "Yes, it's that simple. Discovering America is indeed not difficult, just as easy as standing this egg. But, everyone, before I stood it up, who of you did it?

Innovation is essentially a welcoming attitude towards new ideas, new perspectives and new changes, and it also manifests itself as a new perspective on problems. Often, people will ask, is this innovation? I know this too! Innovation is that simple. The key lies in whether you dare to think and whether you are willing to do it.
