【2024-6-11 Long-term wealth code: HIGH】

If you have been stuck with the spot you bought before, or if you have not bought other varieties in the contract, you can consider this variety: HIGH. From a technical perspective, this variety has plummeted by nearly 159% recently. Of course, it also rose by more than 100% some time ago. You can enter the market with a small position. The market will still fluctuate for a few days before it will move. If you are not in a hurry and have patience, you can wait for the market to stabilize first. The target position is 4.2090-5.9735-7.9169. Here, the cycle of this variety will be longer, which may be 1-2 months. It is also possible to pull the market in advance (depending on the trend of the market). Warm reminder: When doing small coins, you must pay attention to the trend of the market and remember not to go against the market.

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#HIGH #财富密码 #现货推荐 $HIGH