The CEO of, a startup in the field of decentralized artificial intelligence, announced his sudden resignation via a tweet on Twitter, just hours before the coin began trading on the Binance platform.

This announcement came at a sensitive time as the community awaits the start of trading in the $IO coin, which was recently announced on Binance.

the details:

In his tweet, the executive director called “Ahmed Shedid” announced his decision to immediately step down from his position, indicating that this decision is in the interest of the project and society.

The CEO decided to pass the torch to Tori Green, who will take over as CEO of

The CEO wrote in his tweet:

“IO.NET has grown into one of the fastest growing decentralized AI companies in the world.

After careful consideration, I decided that the best interests of the community and the project warranted transferring leadership to Torrey Green.

The executive director explained that his decision to step down is linked to a desire to avoid any distraction that his presence might cause in light of the accusations facing him regarding his past.

He added:

While there are some allegations regarding my past, I would like to confirm that I am resigning to allow IO.NET to move forward without any distraction and focus on its growth and success.

It is worth noting that “Ahmed Shedid” had previously been accused of stealing and disappearing an amount ranging between 1.5 and 2 million dollars from his investors in an investment fund, only to come out and provide excuses that did not convince many of the victims.

The impact of resignation on society and investors:

This surprising move comes at a sensitive time as the community and investors await the start of trading of the $IO coin on the Binance platform, a few hours after the IPO announcement.

It is expected that this resignation will affect investors' feelings and attitudes towards the currency and the project as a whole.

The coming days will be crucial in determining the extent of the impact of this resignation on the price and trading of the $IO coin, and on the course of the company in general.

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