Did you think that Bitcoin broke the previous high first, so you entered the market with more than 70,000 long orders, and were liquidated yesterday⁉️

Is this the first time that Bitcoin has gone through such a trend? Do you think that the money in the currency circle is foolishly earned⁉️70,000 has been fluctuating for two days. If there is no explosion, how can the market rise📈

I told you to take long at 3588, and you can see how many people in my comment area have received it, how many people slept soundly last night, and got up this morning to receive money directly, why don’t you🤑⁉️If you have no experience in trading, you have to learn. The positions I give are basically brainless to make you make money. You just hang up and wait to receive money. I don’t know how you can make money in the currency circle if you don’t even have such self-control⁉️For trading, the important thing is to control your hands, hang up and receive money according to the position I said

#非农就业人数高于预期 #第55期新币挖矿IO