Briefly about psychology in the market.$BNB $ETH $SOL #BTC

There is a scale of fear and greed 😱💰, as well as statistics on buying and selling volumes 📊. Typically, when there is fear in the market, 80 percent of investors sell at a loss 📉, explaining this in different ways. Some people convince themselves that they will buy more cheaper, but the market may not provide such an opportunity. Or he won’t buy lower because of fear. Someone makes an excuse: “I’m not a newbie to sit in a drawdown. I saw that the project was not promising, I sold it at a minus price so as not to freeze the money 💸.”

It doesn't matter how the investor explains his actions. The important thing is that when everything is good in the market and the news is positive, he buys with confidence in growth 🚀. And when the price falls and the news becomes negative, he sells at a loss.

A maximum of 10 percent of investors earn money in the market 🏆, the rest work at a loss.

One of the key factors in order not to be a loser 🚫 is to understand that you need to buy when “blood is flowing in the streets” (as Rothschild said) 🩸, and sell when there is only positivity around 🌟. BUT NOT THE OVERSEAS.

And it’s even simpler: never buy on a green one 🟢, because in two days there may be a red one 🔴, and the price will be more interesting. This is true for both short and long term trades. Even if you are not sure about the global entry point and want to buy now, wait for the price to drop ⏳. Don't buy on the green one!

The situation looks the other way around: most of the questions in chat and in personal messages are “what to buy?” occurs when the market rises. Don't be hamsters, gentlemen! 🐹