Odaily Planet Daily News Jupiter co-founder meow posted on the X platform: "One of the most important things for me is to transform cryptocurrency from PVP thinking to PPP thinking. The difference is that the PPP (player pump player, mutual assistance) community hopes that the last person to enter can also win; while the PVP (player vs player mutual cutting) community hopes that the last person to enter will become their exit liquidity. By definition, PPP is an infinite game, while PVP is a deep finite game by default with a clear end-the last person to take over becomes a fool." But why is PVP so prevalent that most outsiders and even many insiders feel that cryptocurrency is fundamentally a PVP game? This is because PVP "communities" are very easy to form, because people need to agree that attracting more people to buy the tokens they hold will actually make them richer (thanks to the magical token issuance mechanism), so they should do more of this. In contrast, the establishment of a PPP community is extremely difficult-because the core focus of the community cannot be on attracting others and hoping to abandon them, but on having more allies and building a common long-term future together. That is, the future of crypto is definitely PPP, because even if 99.999% of new “communities” are PvP, the 0.00001% that last and thrive are definitely PPP. The hallmark of great communities like Bitcoin, Eth, Sol (and hopefully Jup) is a commitment to helping every new person to the network “win”, rather than treating them as a pile of money just to buy tokens. PPP will eventually win because it is the best way to think in crypto; it combines the essence of community vision and profitability; it is neither cynical nor delusional, but idealistic and pragmatic; it is the only way forward in crypto; because no community can survive being cannibalized from within. Yet today, the reason crypto as a form of PvP has a bad reputation is that the public tends to view it as an internet currency created and marketed by greedy assholes, and it is easy for projects to abandon the last fools who take over with sweet talk.Of course, the core problem with this perception is that there is a lot of truth in it, and even the most serious players often think this way, and what we can do is actively reject the PvP community and invest your time, effort, and energy into cultivating real relationships and expertise in the PPP community, rather than the short-lived "cannibalism" situation in the PVP space. If we cannibalize each other instead of promoting each other, there will be nothing left. Cryptocurrency could be an industry with absolutely no limits, and it matters what games you choose to play as an individual and what communities you choose to join.