Telegram has launched a new payment system called Telegram Stars, which aims to simplify payments within the platform, especially for app developers, by using the "Stars" currency. The system is integrated with the TON token, reducing the commissions of applications to almost zero, thereby increasing the profitability of developers. In addition, Sphere Labs has launched an extension that enables users to make low-fee fund transfers within the Telegram app.
Key Points
- Telegram has launched the Telegram Stars payment system, which uses the "Stars" currency for in-app payments and advertising promotion, greatly reducing the commissions of developers.
- The system is integrated with the TON token, supports in-app purchases and withdrawals, and reflects Telegram's commitment to blockchain technology.
- Sphere Labs has released a new extension that enables users to make low-fee bank account and e-wallet transfers within the Telegram app.
- TON tokens have recovered in price after a 24-hour downward trend.