There is no secret to making money in this world, and even if there is, I can't tell you! This content is priceless in the field of investment, please read it carefully, I guarantee you will benefit a lot!

#投资理财 #赚钱 #投资有风险理财需谨慎

I have my own investment motto. If you learn this, I guarantee that you will not lose everything, and there is a high probability that you will make money.

Now, I will teach this proverb to everyone!

Please everyone, please say with me: "I am an idiot." You read that right, you are an idiot.

Why do I say this? I guarantee you will gain something after reading these stories.

Story 1:

I have a friend who is an ordinary office worker. He worked hard for five years and saved about 200,000 yuan. He did not buy a car or a house. At this time, he started to follow a financial blogger from nowhere. This blogger would push financial analysis videos and the latest investment information every day.

After following the blogger for a while, he found that the blogger's analysis and predictions were very accurate. So he decided to follow the blogger's advice and invested 100,000 yuan, which was equivalent to half of his total net worth. Fortunately, he made 10,000 yuan in a short period of time. He thought it was incredible at the time and told his friends everywhere that he had recently followed someone who was very impressive and that even someone like him who didn't understand investment could make money in a short period of time.

He even persuaded me to join in, saying that if I invested, I would definitely earn more with my capital. But I was not tempted, because I had been involved in too many similar things. I persuaded him, but he didn't listen.

At first, he tasted some sweetness and earned a total of 10,000 yuan after selling the stocks. But he was not satisfied, so he made more investment, this time investing a total of 160,000 yuan including principal and interest. However, he soon lost 25,000 yuan in a very short period of time, which was a big blow to him because the 25,000 yuan was equivalent to his half-year salary.

Unable to bear the pressure of losses and decline, the blogger then advised him not to invest in the risky project again, but recommended him to buy the fund recommended by the blogger, and promised that the fund investment was the most stable and would never lose money. In the next two years, he experienced drawdowns and replenishment, and continued to increase his investment because he firmly believed that the assets would rise again sooner or later. In the end, he invested all his money, a total of more than 200,000 yuan.

Fortunately, at the peak, his investment doubled by 50%, earning 100,000 yuan, exceeding Buffett's annualized rate of return. But he did not cash out in time, but continued to hold. In the third year, his investment began to lose money. By the fourth year, his principal and profit added up to only 60,000 yuan, which means a loss of 140,000 yuan. This is the result of the blogger's so-called most stable fund fixed investment.

Story 2:

I myself have an investment experience that I still remember. I had a few buddies around me who were big names in the stock market back then. It was a good time, and making hundreds of thousands a day was a piece of cake for them. The stock market was so good at that time that they had parties in the presidential suite of a luxury hotel every night. No matter who went or not, the parties were always lively.

They spend money like water, buying brand-name bags, watches, luxury cars, etc., without blinking an eye. Because they never worry about money, because the money spent today may be earned back tomorrow. In their view, the speed of spending money will never catch up with the speed of making money.

Moreover, we often get together to drink, and they usually rush to pay the bill. Although they rarely give me investment advice, one time, he was a little drunk and held my hand and said something that impressed me deeply.

He said, "Brother, you know what? In this industry, the secret to making money will never be told to you. But we have known each other for so long, and I have always regarded you as my good friend. So, I want to tell you an insider tip. If you listen to me, you can buy medical stocks. This is absolutely a sure win, and I have invested all my money in it."

When I heard this, I thought, is this my chance to turn things around? Can I also make a fortune overnight like them? I was tempted and decided to follow their advice. But as you can imagine, the final result was not what I expected. I invested a large sum of money, but did not make the "sure money" they said, and ended up losing everything.

Story 3:

I have to admit that I have had several painful investment experiences before. They were all stocks recommended by friends when they were sober. After I bought them, I lost at least 40%, and they were all heavy positions. This made me determined to tell myself never to buy stocks again.

But I was too naive, so I told the news to two other friends. They didn't know the friend who recommended the stock, but they trusted me personally. They said, "Okay, brother, don't worry about it. I'll buy 10 million. If I make money, they even said they would give me a million-dollar luxury car." But I refused and told them to just buy it.

Before the Chinese New Year, we had dinner together. They didn't tell me whether I made money or lost money on the stock. Like a fool, I asked them if they had bought the stocks they recommended before. They told me they had bought more than 10 million. Then he opened his stock account. I looked at the account and found that he had lost 50%.

My face turned green and I felt very embarrassed. But my friend didn't seem to care. For him, this little money might not be a big deal. But I felt very guilty. If someone told me the news and I lost money, I would definitely call him and complain. But since he bought the stock I recommended for two years, he never asked me for any news about the stock I recommended.

When I asked him why he didn't stop losses despite losing money in his investments, he mentioned that he had promised to buy me a car when he made money, which he had not yet fulfilled. This remark made me feel ashamed.


In the stock market, as long as you make money, you will feel elated and even have the illusion that Buffett is just like you because his rate of return is not as high as yours.

You enter the stock market with tens of thousands of dollars in capital, just like entering a casino, and the money turns several times, or even dozens of times. Suddenly I feel so great, it turns out that my parents don’t know that I am a genius.

But it was this overconfidence that caused me to lose a lot of money twice in investment. I realized that this blind confidence is very dangerous. In investment, we should look for professional investment consultants to manage our finances, rather than blindly researching and analyzing on our own. You can treat investment as a hobby, but once it involves real money, the moment you are ready to invest;

The first thing you need to have in your mind is a warning: "You are an idiot."

Story 4:

I have personally seen some people who particularly like to follow the trend and follow the so-called "group leaders" or "rat warehouses". Although many accounts that specialize in rat warehouses have been banned, they still make amazing profits from them.

I remember that there was a person who was one of the earliest stock commentators in China. He always commented on stocks in the opposite way. He said that stocks that would rise would fall, and he said that stocks that would fall would rise, which caused the entire market to fall into chaos. He once wrote a 4,000-word professional theory, but in the end, it seemed that those theories were actually worthless.

Later, this person switched to virtual currency. Since people didn't know much about virtual currency, it was hard to judge whether his words were right or wrong. At that time, when our country began to ban virtual currency, his account could no longer operate in China. So he went to overseas platforms and continued to attract fans in the same way.

Once I went abroad, and through a friend's introduction, I met this person. He is still overseas now. Do you know how much he can earn a month? He can earn more than 13 million a month! He does not rely on taking advertisements or other gray industries, but relies on "rat warehouse" to easily make money.

How does he make money?

We all know that there are many irregular virtual currency exchanges overseas, which are actually online gambling platforms that give people leverage to encourage them to gamble. Moreover, they are extremely irregular and unregulated black platforms.

He relies on showing his account operation records, which may be a fake platform to delay the operation, or a fake account that the exchange gave him. Then, he recorded these operations into videos and released them, attracting traffic and acquiring customers on overseas platforms every day. All fans were very shocked and asked him which one he bought. He relied on this to privately tell fans which virtual exchange and how to operate it, and let fans follow his operation or recommend people to go there, and he would get a commission from it.

The whole process is like a pyramid scheme, with one level after another and each person has an automatic profit-sharing mechanism in the system. In this way, more than 10 million can be easily distributed in a month.

In real life, I have come into contact with him several times, and his words, actions and behavior make him look like a big fool. Although you can't judge a person by his appearance, I am sure that he is definitely not a person who is smarter or more capable than everyone else.


There is no winning secret recipe for making money in this world. If there is such a secret recipe, it will be priceless and no one will be willing to share it. Because if everyone knows this secret recipe, it will lose its value and become no longer special. The process of making money is full of uncertainty and risk. Everyone's success is unique and should be based on personal knowledge, experience, decision-making and timing.

On the road of investing and making money, we may encounter all kinds of "experts" and "secrets", but we must keep a clear head and realize that no method is suitable for everyone, and no strategy is 100% safe. What we should do is to keep learning, accumulate experience, and develop our own investment philosophy, rather than blindly pursuing the so-called "winning secrets".

Most importantly, we must learn to be responsible for our own decisions and our own money. Before investing, do sufficient research, assess the risks, develop a strategy, and be prepared for possible failure. Remember, true wisdom lies not in finding a shortcut to always make money, but in understanding and accepting the nature of investment and the ups and downs of the market.

So, let us stay humble, keep learning, and stay rational, so that we can go further and more steadily on the road of making money. After all, true wealth is not only the accumulation of money, but also the accumulation of wisdom and experience.