Hana Network is a privacy hub for all blockchains, enabling on-chain privacy on existing chains and for arbitrary assets including Bitcoin.

Hana Network was selected by the Binance Incubation Program in Season 5.

1/ Create an account

Link: gateway.hana.network

‱ Sign up with Google

‱ Set a password

2/ Faucet

‱ After creating your account, you will receive Testnet Tokens automatically.

3/ Save Your Private Key

‱ Go to the "Settings" tab

‱ Enter Your password

‱ Copy Your Private Key & Save your key

4/ Transaction

‱ Go to "Transfer" tab

‱ Select any Token

‱ Enter Your decided amount

‱ Enter Your MetaMask Address Or your friend's address

‱ Then send the token

5/ Intract Tasks

Link: https://www.intract.io/quest/6659ba0321949f76bb4787ba?referralCode=jVEjZ7&referralSource=QUEST_PAGE&referralLink=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.intract.io%2Fquest%2F6659ba0321949f76bb4787ba&enterpriseId=undefined

‱ Connect Your MetaMask

‱ Complete All Tasks

6/ Galxe OATs

Link: https://app.galxe.com/quest/NFExZG95sGD2mxyy2mkKog

‱ Complete All Tasks

‱ Claim Your OATs

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