FLOKI latest market analysis current price and trend

According to the latest K-line chart, the current price of FLOKI is $0.00034344, up 13.54% from the previous trading day. The chart shows that both the short-term and medium-term moving averages are rising, and the price has remained above these moving averages, indicating that the current market is in an upward trend.

Volume analysis

The current trading volume is $327.758 billion, which has increased compared to the previous few days, indicating that the market buying power has increased, further supporting the price increase.

Support and resistance levels

Support: $0.00029238 (recent low) Resistance: $0.00043444 (historical high)


After a period of shock consolidation, FLOKI's current price has broken through the previous resistance, showing a strong upward momentum.


Holders: It is recommended to continue holding and wait for prices to rise further. Potential buyers: Consider buying in batches when the price pulls back to the support level.

Risk control

Set a stop loss to prevent a sharp price correction.

This is an adjusted analysis and suggestion, I hope it will be helpful to you.

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