Justin Sun, the visionary founder of TRON, has taken a bold step into the world of decentralized finance. Recently, Sun channeled his confidence into three LRT products, investing an impressive sum of 18,000 ETH, approximately $67.86 million. According to PANews reports, these products offer Sun the opportunity to earn a fixed return between 17% and 21% APY on cryptocurrencies, which promises to be a juicy reward.

The strategic allocation of Sun's investment is revealing. With 10,000 ETH, he moved into 10111.937 PT-weETH, a bet that aims to produce a substantial amount of weETH upon expiration on June 27. Another 5,000 ETH headed towards 5,082.9 PT-pufETH, while the remaining 3,000 ETH was committed to 3,025.9 PT-rsETH. These investments are designed to generate a harvest of pufETH and rsETH respectively, at the right time.

The investment horizon is relatively short, with an expiration period of only 22 days. However, Sun projects to harvest approximately 220.7 ETH after this deadline, which translates to around $830,000. This impressive return marks a significant milestone in Sun's investment portfolio, demonstrating its astuteness in the world of cryptocurrencies and decentralized finance. #JustinSun #criptomonedas #Finanzas #LRT #DeFi