Telegram-based cryptocurrency Notcoin (NOT) has seen a one-sided rally, with a weekly gain of more than 350%. While the broader cryptocurrency market consolidated over the weekend, the price of Notcoin (NOT) rose another 40% on Sunday to hit an all-time high of $0.027. 🔸 350% increase NINOT is trading at $0.02373 with a market cap of $2.439 billion. During the last growth, the daily trading volume of Notcoin increased by 220%, exceeding 4.5 billion dollars, which made it the fourth most traded cryptocurrency on the market. Experts explain the increase in the value of Notcoin to its successful integration with Telegram's large user base. Although the recent airdrop was initially received mildly, it later took a positive turn, which was reflected in the increase in the price of the token. The significant increase in transactions on the Notcoin network parallels its rise in popularity. The platform allows users to earn NO tokens by completing simple games and tasks. Recently, Notcoin launched "earn missions" that allow you to passively accumulate tokens and further increase user engagement. 🔸 Kit gets NOTThanks to social media integration, Notcoin is well positioned to profit from the growing "play to earn" trend. Analysts say that the price of Notcoin could go up to $0.1. Data provider Lookonchain has reported that the price of Notcoin (NOT) has increased by more than 400% in the past seven days. Lookonchain highlighted that a significant investor, known as a whale, received an unrealized profit of $862,000 from NOT. This investor spent 50,550 TON ($278,000) to buy 46.4 billion WNOT before the NOT was listed. On May 21, the whale converted all 46.4 billion wNOT into 46.4 million NOT and has held it ever since, getting approximately $862,000. As the full Telegram mini-app craze continues, notcoin may reach higher price targets.