Are there any mining farms in China now? The answer is that there are definitely mining farms. Is it illegal? No, is it compliant? No. When Bitcoin mining started in 2017, many people who participated in it were stealing electricity. At that time, many rural areas stole electricity. The most obvious thing around me was the local power company. One line lost 4 solar electricity bills a month. The most direct manifestation was that the lights at home flickered and the air conditioner could not be turned on. Because it affected people's livelihood, the National Development and Reform Commission abandoned mining in 2018. Later, many people around me were sentenced for stealing electricity. Although mining was listed as an obsolete industry in 2018, it did not affect Bitcoin mining. Most miners chose the water resources in Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan to mine Bitcoin. In 2019, the National Development and Reform Commission removed Bitcoin mining from the obsolete industry again? Because at that time, miners chose hydropower stations to make state-owned electricity a virtuous cycle, so it was released. So why did it start to be cleared again in 2021? Many people have not studied this issue. Bitcoin has created wealth, but it has affected people's livelihood in 2021? Why? Later, when I was doing research, I found the problem. Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan are rich in water resources, but the overall power dispatch is unbalanced. Because in the process of dispatching power by the overall dispatching company, it was found that the mining industry developed too fast, and most of the electricity was used to mine Bitcoin. The dispatch of people's livelihood power was unbalanced, which affected the people's livelihood electricity consumption. The dispatch weight in the power sector is very large, so they have the most say. The Development and Reform Commission will make some measures in conjunction with the opinions of power dispatch. In 2023, I went to the Development and Reform Commissions of various places many times, and they all told me the same thing: Is it illegal to do Bitcoin? It is not illegal, but the use of electricity violates the Electricity Law. I only then knew that there was such a thing as the Electricity Law in China. According to the relevant laws, I learned that I had formal and legal important documents in my hands. According to the interpretation in China's project approval, there are three project approval criteria in China.

1. Approval system: for projects that use government investment and construction;

2. Approval system: for major and restricted fixed asset investment projects that enterprises do not use government funds for investment and construction;

3. Filing system: projects other than those subject to approval and approval systems.

In simple terms, projects that are subject to the approval system and the verification system have reference catalogs formulated by the superior development and reform departments, and projects outside these two reference catalogs are subject to the filing system.

Approval and verification are more difficult and local-level project establishment.

However, the filing system requires relevant patents and business licenses of formal companies.