#BTC is about to break through in all dimensions

- Weekly dimension, lower left, pwVAL has been broken down and started to rebound, and has now broken through pwPOC - Monthly dimension, lower right, 4h level has not closed yet, currently breaking through strong resistance pmVAH, wait for a few more K lines to see if it can break through and stand firm, once it breaks through with volume, it will be a new round of rise;

Of course, if the breakthrough fails and falls back, it will be another false breakthrough of shock, pay attention to the bull-bear line of 68310 - The annual dimension is consistent with the quarterly dimension, and the current price is near dVAH, which has broken through, but has not closed yet, and the overall performance is strong $BTC

#美国4月核心PCE指标显示通胀放缓 #MegadropLista #BTC走势分析