Sometimes, put happiness doesn't result from the success we have in our trades. Today, many successful traders are depressed.

Consider the case of Omar. Omar was one of the few who have been very successful in crypto.

In March 2022 when Algod and GCR made their $22 million bets with with Do Kwon that LUNA price will drop, Omar opened a LUNA short on Binance.

Few months later, following LUNA crash, he became a millionaire. You might think he would be enjoying his life by now.

He actually did. He got a nice house for himself, bought everything he ever wanted. Somehow, he is depressed.

Can you imagine that?

Money isn't everything, yes. So what can help anyone avoid the same situation?

I think it's a matter of perspective, and being grateful. We need to spend more time appreciating what we have.

What do you think?
