Pepe (PEPE)

How much will Pepe (PEPE) be worth in 2025, 2026, 2027 and 2030? Review different views on a project's target price and confidence level, known as consensus ratings, when choosing your own target price. The information is based on user data and not the opinion of Binance.

Ready to buy PEPE? Binance supports various cryptocurrencies. You can easily buy any of them using US Dollars, Euros, Yuan, Australian Dollars, Indian Rupees and other fiat currencies. On the four-hour time frame, Pepe is currently in an uptrend, while the 50-day moving average is currently trending higher.

Pepe's 200-day moving average has been rising since 05/28/2024, indicating a strong trend.

Regarding the Pepe price forecast on the 4-hour chart, it looks like the price is trending down given that the 50-day and 200-day moving averages are rising.#pepecoin🐾 #PEPE❀