❗$AMF Distribution for MAY 2024

👍 We are pleased to inform you that more than 11,700 #AddMeFast users have already received their $AMF Tokens for participating in the #Airdrop 👉 amf.ac/?AMFairdrop

💰A total of 258,738 $AMF Tokens have been distributed as of May 2024. This number can only be increased by our active users who choose AMF Tokens to purchase points or other features on AddMeFast.

🔥 Currently You will get 50% more points if you buy with AMF Tokens 🔥 👉 addmefast.com/amftokenpay

🙈Haven't started yet?

Get #AMFTokens rewards and start earning real money right now - it's really easy and simple. 👉 amf.ac/?AMFToken 

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